Foster Application

Foster Application

Contact Information

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Email: *
Foster application must be filled out fully and thoughtfully. Your application may be denied for reasons including, but not limited to, skipping any required information, if your application is found to contain false information, or if you are not a good fit for the foster program at this time.

Today's Date *

Address (including apartment number if applicable) *

City *

State *

Zip Code *

Phone Number *

You must be 18 to be a foster for the SFAHS. Families may foster with children, but guardians must be the person who fills out this form.

Birthdate *

Work Phone

Are you able to be contacted at work?

Foster Profile Please fill out as detailed as possible so we can best match you with potential fosters

What is your work schedule like?
215 words remaining

Do you live in a... *

Do you... *

If you rent, please list your landlord's name and phone number

If you live with a parent, please list the parent name and phone number

If you live in school housing, please list your housing director's name and phone number

Please tell us about yourself and why you would like to become a foster for SFAHS *
225 words remaining

Please check next to the types of animals you would be interested in fostering (You may check multiple boxes) *

Do you currently have pets? *

Please list current pets, if applicable, with names and breeds/species.
225 words remaining

If you currently own pets, are their vaccinations current?

If you currently own pets, are they spayed or neutered?

If no, why?

If you currently own pets, what veterinarian do you currently see

Do you have children in the home? *

If yes or if children visit often, what ages?
75 words remaining

Please describe the area you will be housing the foster animals in. *We suggest an enclosed, separate indoor area, if possible* *
225 words remaining

Do you have any specific skills, volunteer experience, or training pertaining to the care of pets? If yes, please explain. *
225 words remaining

Are you a registered, active SFAHS volunteer? *

Have you ever been a foster or volunteer at another humane society or for another rescue? If yes, who? *
75 words remaining

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? *

If yes, please explain
75 words remaining

Have you been or are you currently involved with the breeding of animals? *

Please explain your feelings on breeding of domestic animals *
75 words remaining

The SFAHS is an open admission shelter, meaning we take in all animals including those that may not thrive. By checking this box, you accept the realization and understand that under certain circumstances, we may have to utilize euthanasia to end the mental or physical suffering of an animal, if the animal is not treatable, or if the animal becomes a danger to themselves or others. This is a requirement to be considered for the foster program. *

Please explain your feelings on euthanasia, with the understanding it is not a decision that is ever made quickly or lightly at the SFAHS. *
75 words remaining

Upper Respiratory Infections (URI) or Kennel Cough are just like a human cold and are not contagious to yourself. Cats cannot pass a URI to a dog and dogs cannot pass kennel cough to cats. Cats can pass a URI to other cats and dogs can pass kennel cough to other dogs. As long as your pets are up to date on their vaccinations and they have healthy immune systems, they should be okay.

Are you willing to foster cats who have an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) or dogs who have kennel cough? Basic home care needed. *

Do you have experience administering ocular and oral medication to pets? *

Do you have experience working with scared/hissy kitttens or cats? *

Do you have experience working with scared/unsocialized puppies or dogs? *

Foster Policies and Agreements. Please check after you have read each statement to agree.